Report on TSHS Publications During 2017

The TSHS section-sponsored publications since 2000 are summarized in the figure above. The median over the time period of 2000-2017 was 7 publications per year.
Thank you to all of our contributors this year! The 2017 publications are listed below.
2017 papers from TSHS-primary-sponsored sessions in the JSM Proceedings (2)
Deborah Dawson (University of Iowa). “Pacing Through History: Vignettes to Inform, Refresh and Motivate.” In JSM Proceedings, Teaching Statistics in the Health Sciences Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association (2017).
John A. Dawson (Texas Tech University). “Using a ‘Flipped Classroom’ Approach to Teach Applied Statistics to Nutrition and Biotechnology Students Using Blackboard Learn™ and R.” In JSM Proceedings, Teaching Statistics in the Health Sciences Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association (2017).
2017 TSHS newsletter/blog book reviews (1)
Melissa Pittard (University of Kentucky), book review of Robert Talbert’s “Flipped Learning: A Guide for Higher Education Faculty” (Stylus Publishing, 2017), in the Fall 2017 issue of the TSHS newsletter (page 8).
Want to volunteer? Contact Katy Wright, our book review editor, if you have ideas!
2017 TSHS newsletter/blog topic articles (0)
These articles are written by section members and may describe teaching methods, consulting methods, the history of TSHS, or any other topic you think would interest other section members. None were published this last year.
Want to volunteer? Contact Laila Poisson, our newsletter/blog editor if you have ideas!