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Resources for Teaching Structural Equation Modeling
Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a multivariate statistical analysis technique that is used to analyze structural relationships. The...

Outgoing Message from Our 2021 Chair
Greetings from the outgoing TSHS Section chair! As I pass the baton to our new 2022 Section chair, Jacqui Hicks, I wanted to share some...

Rubrics and Flipped Classrooms: Hard Work Up Front Pays Off Later - Summer webinar recap
Dr. Michael D. Swartz of the Department of Biostatistics and Data Science at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston...

Inspire statistical understanding through podcasts, videos and short articles
Given below is a brief list of such materials that I found to be appealing to many scholars in an introductory biostatistics course.

Join us at JSM!
TSHS Section members, We have an exciting JSM program for you! TSHS is sponsoring two roundtable luncheons, invited sessions, topic...

Overcoming Fears (my own): Teaching Reproducible Research, Big Data and Data Mining
Nursing and public health researchers increasingly work with large datasets with high dimensions. A new course puts analysis skills in their

Look what's new at JSE!
“I am thrilled to announce ... the creation of a new section of the journal focused on statistics education in the health sciences," sa

A breakfast feast while planning DataFests
Have you attended or hosted a DataFest? Or maybe you're wondering what on Earth it is! Well, if you've not heard, a DataFest is an...

#ReadyResources: Publications for teaching p-values
If you find yourself being called on to talk p-values, here are some #ReadyResources from the Points of Significance column in Nature Method

Flipped Learning, a Book Review Replay
Melissa Pittard reports that Flipped Learning, by Talbert and Bergmann, is an excellent resource for those interested, curious, or even skep
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