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Overcoming Fears (my own): Teaching Reproducible Research, Big Data and Data Mining
Nursing and public health researchers increasingly work with large datasets with high dimensions. A new course puts analysis skills in their

Don't Miss the Deadlines - Plan now for JSM 2019
The submission window is open now for topic contributed proposals and soon for abstracts and roundtable proposals. TSHS Program Chairs call

Fall News 2018: Summary of the JSM Business Meeting and Mixer
The TSHS business meeting and mixer were held during JSM 2018 in Vancouver, with at least 60 TSHS members and guests in attendance. Followin

Summer News: Secretary-Treasurer's Report
A brief summary is given of the April and June TSHS executive committee meetings. No conference call was held in May.

Fall News 2018: Secretary-Treasurer's Report
Following is a brief summary of the July 16, July 30, September 17, and October 15 TSHS executive committee meetings.

#ReadyResources: Talking about inappropriate analysis requests
Do you want to help health scientists recognize troublesome data analysis behaviors as misconduct by providing a trusted source? An Oct 2018

Look what's new at JSE!
“I am thrilled to announce ... the creation of a new section of the journal focused on statistics education in the health sciences," sa
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