Summer News: Add these teaching talks to your JSM2018 schedule

The Teaching Statistics in Health Sciences section has an exciting program for JSM 2018!
We will have two invited session, three topic contributed, one contributed poster session and one regular contributed session. We have also cosponsored several other sessions our members may find interesting, including a continuing education session. Bold denotes the sessions for which TSHS is the main sponsor.
Don’t forget the mixer Monday, July 30, 6:00-8:00 in CC-East 7.
A summary is below. Download the full schedule as a pdf document (here). Save it to your phone or print a copy to bring with you.
Or go to the JSM online program to add the TSHS sessions to your online calendar. Just choose advanced search, then in the "Search By Sponsor" drop down box, select "Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences."
Invited sessions:
Educational Tools for Causal Inference in the Health Sciences, 8:30 a.m. Monday 7/30, CC-East 19
Building a Computing Age #StatisticsCurriculum for Biomedical Scientists, 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 8/1, CC-West 215/216
Innovations in Teaching Undergraduate Probability, 2:00 p.m. Wednesday 8/1, CC-West 212
Staying Statistically Relevant: Keep Your Skills Sharp!, 2:00 p.m. Wednesday 8/1, CC-East 19
Collaborative Biostatistics: Finding a Happy Medium in Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice (Panel), 8:30 a.m. Thursday 8/2, CC-West 118
Topic contributed sessions:
Leading to Quantitative Literacy, 2p.m. Sunday 7/29, CC-West 116
Innovative Approaches to Teaching Biostatistics Partially or Fully Online, 8:30 a.m. Tuesday 7/31, CC-West 217
Educating the Government Workforce to Lead with Statistics (Panel), 8:30 a.m. Thursday 8/2, CC-East 10
Contributed poster session:
Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences, 10:30 a.m. Monday 7/30, CC-West Hall B
Improving Health Outcomes on the Last Mile of a Learning Healthcare System - the Importance of Leading with Statistics
Is Randomization ". a Fetish of a Piece of Nonsense,.." ?
Using an Apprenticeship Model to Train Future Teachers of Statistics
Contributed talk session:
Challenges and Approaches to Teaching Statistics in the Health Sciences, 4 p.m. Sunday 7/29, CC-West 203
Continuing education session:
Meta-Analysis for Biopharmaceutical and Public Health Research Using SAS (ADDED FEE), 8 a.m. Monday 7/30, CC-East 2/3
SPEED sessions:
SPEED: Government and Health Policy, 8:30 a.m. Monday 7/30, CC-West 213, then 10:30 a.m. Monday 7/30, CC-West Hall B
SPEED: Recent Advances in Statistical Genomics and Genetics, 8:30 a.m. Tuesday 7/31, CC-West 212, then 10:30 a.m. Tuesday 7/31, CC-West Hall B
SPEED: Statistical Epidemiology, 8:30 a.m. Tuesday 7/31, CC-West 209, then 11:35 a.m. Tuesday 7/31, CC-West Hall B
SPEED: Sports to Fire: Fascinating Applications of Statistics, 10:30 a.m. Tuesday 7/31, CC-West 209, then 3:05 p.m. Tuesday 7/31, CC-West Hall B