Summer News: A note from the publication officer

The 2018 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) in Vancouver are approaching. I look forward to seeing many of you there.
Our TSHS Program Chair, Kendra Schmid, and Program Chair-Elect, Jacqui Milton, have been busy putting together a great program for JSM. Details can be found in this issue of the newsletter as well as in the JSM online program on the ASA website at
In addition, you are invited to attend the TSHS section’s annual section meeting and mixer at JSM: it will be held on Monday July 30, 2018, from 6:00-8:00 pm in the Convention Center, Room East 7. There will be good food, good company, awards announcements, and even door prizes! Hope to see you there!
Need data for teaching?
There is a universe of data out there ... but you could spend an infinite amount of time trying to find data that is suitable for teaching. We can help!
Check out the TSHS Resources Portal at
Our open-access Portal contains peer-reviewed health sciences-related datasets specifically intended for teaching. Each dataset is posted in multiple formats and is accompanied by an introduction, a citation for the original study publication, and a data dictionary. Check us out before fall semester starts!
Got data for teaching?
Do you have health sciences-related datasets that are suitable for teaching? Please consider submitting them to the Portal, so that other teachers can benefit from them.
Check out the TSHS Resources Portal at
Our open-access Portal contains peer-reviewed health sciences-related datasets specifically intended for teaching. Each dataset is posted in multiple formats and is accompanied by an introduction, a citation for the original study publication, and a data dictionary. All submissions are peer-reviewed.