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Summer News: Secretary-Treasurer's Report

** This "Summer News" message was originally posted in June 2018. Due to user error it was accidentally reverted to a draft form and could not be re-issued with the June date. We apologize for any confusion. -- The Editor **

Following is a brief summary of the April and June TSHS executive committee meetings (both were conference calls). No conference call was held in May.

Topics discussed during the April 16 meeting included the following:

  • An update on the TSHS Google/Gmail account

  • An update on potential TSHS-sponsored webinars

  • An update on the section treasury, including income and expenses

  • An update on preparations for the TSHS JSM 2018 meetings and program, specifically on the executive committee meeting and the business meeting mixer

  • A comprehensive update on the section blog, including the numbers and types of site visits and post views, how and when items appear on the blog, and what specific types of items are appropriate to post on the blog

  • A discussion on publicizing TSHS to new (junior) faculty, including how information should be disseminated to this group

Topics discussed during the June 18 meeting included the following:

  • An update on section award nominations

  • Potential TSHS-sponsored webinar offerings for the fall and beyond, including potential presenters and topics

  • An update on the section treasury, including any financial contributions that were made to the section

  • Updates on several items pertaining to JSM 2018, including the joint education booth shared by TSHS and the statistical education section (staffing the booth and making sure that all section informational materials will be available), the TSHS-sponsored program (including session evaluations), and details of the TSHS executive committee meeting and business meeting mixer.

Complete sets of all meeting minutes can be found on the TSHS website, which is

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