New TSHS Portal Dataset: Supraclavicular

Fresh out of peer-review, another great data resource has been posted to the TSHS Resource Portal.
Study Design: Randomized Clinical Trial
Study Topic: Local Anesthesia
Statistical Method: Survival Analysis
The Supraclavicular data set contains 103 patients who were scheduled to undergo an upper extremity procedure suitable for supraclavicular anesthesia. Patients were randomly assigned to either (1) combined group-ropivacaine and mepivacaine mixture; or (2) sequential group-mepivacaine followed by ropivacaine. A number of demographic and post-op pain medication variables (fentanyl, alfentanil, midazolam) were collected. The primary outcome is time to 4-nerve sensory block onset. The dataset is cleaned and relatively complete. There are no outliers or data problems.
These are data from a study by Roberman et al. “Combined Versus Sequential Injection of Mepivacaine and Ropivacaine for Supraclavicular Nerve Blocks”. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2011; 36:145-50.
The supraclavicular dataset was contributed by Dr. Amy Nowacki, Associate Professor, Cleveland Clinic. Thank you, Amy!
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