Fall News 2018: Secretary-Treasurer's Report

Following is a brief summary of the July 16, July 30, September 17, and October 15 TSHS executive committee meetings (all were conference calls except for the July 30 meeting, which was in person in Vancouver).
Topics discussed during the July 16 meeting included the following:
An update on the section treasury, including income and expenses
An update on the TSHS JSM 2018 program, including discussion on volunteers for the shared education booth, the TSHS sponsored sessions, roundtables, and mixer, session evaluations, and door prizes for the mixer
The results of the section officer elections and the vote on the approval of TSHS charter revisions
A report from the Council of Sections, which included a JSM workshop for section leaders, and a report on ASA interest groups in general and the Lifetime Data Science interest group in particular
Topics discussed during the July 30 meeting included the following:
Newly elected and appointed TSHS officers and executive committee members
TSHS committees and committee members – the committees include the mentoring committee, the promotions committee, the nominations committee, the awards committee for 2018, and the awards committee for 2019
Winners of the TSHS Outstanding Teaching Award
An update on section membership numbers
An update on the section treasury
The JSM education booth, which included who will be responsible (for future JSMs) for providing information for the table and organizing the table and displays
Plans for the evening’s business meeting and mixer
An update on the section newsletter and section blog
A report from the Council of Sections
Topics discussed during the September 17 meeting included the following:
An update on the section treasury (post-JSM)
A recap of the JSM 2018 TSHS program, including a review of the JSM education booth, the TSHS mixer, and TSHS sponsored sessions
A first look at the planning for the JSM 2019 TSHS program
An update on the section newsletter and section blog
The possibility of nominating one or two TSHS members as ASA Fellows, and how the section would proceed with this
Topics discussed during the October 15 meeting included the following:
Award nominations from TSHS
Planning for the JSM 2019 TSHS program, which included discussion of the section’s invited sessions
An update on the section newsletter and section blog
Complete sets of all meeting minutes can be found on the TSHS website, which is http://community.amstat.org/tshs/announcements/executivecommitteebusinessmeetingminutes