A note from the (outgoing) editor

Snow. Yup, snow. As I read through the text I wrote, this sketch doesn't fit. I could have drawn lots of different scenes that would fit. Some cliche, yes, like passing a torch or something. But, all I can think of is snow... must be January.
Indeed, it's been just over a year since TSHS decided to start this blogging journey, and nine months since we made the leap with our first posts.
Our objective was to move news and in-depth articles to a platform that could be more timely and interactive than a triennial newsletter. "But um..." you say, "we have the Amstat Community forum." True! The Amstat forum has been great for quick questions, announcements, and job postings. However, we hoped that the blog would provide value as a resource for our members allowing more in-depth articles.
We have been able to share
Our regular newsletter articles -- e.g., meeting summaries, publication officer reports
Announcements of JSM activities and Webinars
Awards application requests
Response to ASA news -- e.g., the salary survey
Resources! -- e.g., TSHS Portal news, #ReadyResources
Guest posts on new work or teaching practices
A little silliness (see above sketch)
Who is reading?
As of this post, we have had just over 930 views. There are 30 people registered for email updates about new posts. We have a few hundred folks in the section so it would be great to continue to spread the word about the blog. Consider posting a link to the blog on your research or teaching page. Or, take a minute to share your favorite post on social media. Seven people came to the blog because someone tweeted a post and three came because someone posted it in Facebook. So the efforts are not without return.
The past year has been particularly fun as I learned about blogging and eventually launched this blog page for TSHS. It has been a great two years as newsletter/blog editor and I thank you for the opportunity to facilitate communication in our section.
Now in 2019, we welcome John Doucette, from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai who will take the lead as the TSHS Blog Editor. Please send him your feedback, ideas, and posts (lots and lots of posts!).