Welcomes and Thank Yous
Happy New Year! Happy New Semester! As the calendar page turns, so does our committee roster here at TSHS. While many of us follow the academic calendar, ASA committees refresh in January.
So, without further ado...
"Thank You" to Carol Bigelow, who finishes her term as the TSHS Representative for the Council of Sections. She helped us through the ASA required charter updates that were approved last May in the elections. Carol will continue as the TSHS Resource Portal representative.
"Thank You" and "Welcome" to the following folks who are moving positions within TSHS:
Amy Nowacki, who moves from Section Chair-Elect to Section Chair
Laila Poisson, who finishes the role of Newsletter/Blog editor and takes the role of Section Chair-Elect, which has responsibility for the Finance committee
Jeff Szychowski, who moves from the role of Section Chair to Past-Chair, which has responsibility for the Awards Committee
Jose-Miguel Yamal, who finishes his role as Past-Chair and takes the role of Council on Sections Representative
"Welcome" to these fine folks who have stepped up to take leadership roles in TSHS:
Maria Ciarleglio, who takes the role of Program Chair for 2020, with responsibility for the 2019 round tables
John Doucette, who takes the role of Blog/Newsletter editor
Of course, we are thankful for all of our continuing leaders as well. To see a photo roster of the TSHS executive committee, please click over to the "Officers" page. To read our monthly meeting minutes, please navigate to the ASA Community page.
If you are interested in taking a leadership role in TSHS in the future, please reach out to the executive committee. We'd love to help you find your niche in this great community.