A look back at 2018 and a glimpse into 2019

With the first month of 2019 already in the books, I want to take a moment to reflect on 2018 before too much more time passes. The last year saw the Section on Teaching Statistics in the Health Sciences host our first-ever webinar, present a great program at JSM, build content on the TSHS Resources Portal, and launch this amazing blog. And for the first time, the nominees for the Outstanding Teaching Award were so exceptional that two awards were given. Congratulations Jacqui and Amy!
As TSHS Chair in 2018, I was very fortunate to work with an exceptional collection of volunteers who continue to propel TSHS forward to greater heights than ever before. I would like to thank everyone for their contributions and commitment to make TSHS the best it can be. Program Chair Kendra Schmid, while serving in multiple ASA leadership roles, assembled a spectacular set of presentations at JSM including 2 invited sessions. Program Chair-Elect Jacqui Milton-Hicks organized the roundtable sessions and is coordinating presentations at the 2019 meeting in Denver. Bob Oster, also while serving multiple ASA leadership roles, kept us on track in his long-standing role as Secretary-Treasurer. Webmaster Ed Gracely and Publications Officer Ann Brearley provided much needed support, advice, and historical perspective in addition to their Section responsibilities. Carol Bigelow served as Council of Sections Representative, led the revision of our charter, and continued to guide the development of the TSHS Resource Portal. And I am personally very grateful to Jose-Miguel Yamal, 2018 Past-Chair, and Amy Nowacki, 2018 Chair-Elect, providing me with excellent advice and support. Under Amy’s leadership in 2019 the section is in excellent hands and is poised to continue doing great things.
In addition, I want to recognize Laila Poisson and acknowledge her for all of the hard work and dedication she put forth to initiate and to maintain the TSHS blog through its first year. As Laila moves on to different roles in the organization we welcome John Doucette, who takes over as our Blog/Newsletter editor. If you have not already done so, please be sure to sign up for alerts from the blog directly to your inbox and encourage your colleagues to sign up as well!
Moving forward into 2019, I encourage everyone to consider participation in the TSHS mentoring program and further support the Resource Portal. In addition, be on the lookout for opportunities to assist TSHS activities at JSM in Denver. Finally, please send nominations for the Distinguished Achievement Award, Outstanding Teaching Award, and Young Investigator Award to tshs.asa@gmail.com by May 15, 2019. For details and eligibility, please refer to the Section’s website: https://community.amstat.org/tshs/awards/awardsoverview.
It was a privilege to serve you in 2018. Best wishes for 2019 and beyond!