Ever heard of the TSHS Distinguished Achievement Award?

TSHS is currently accepting 2019 nominations for the Distinguished Achievement Award. This award (presented in odd numbered years) recognizes a Section member who has provided outstanding long-term service to the Section and the ASA (typically through serving in multiple official positions in the Section and the ASA). The award carries a $250 cash prize. The deadline for nominations is May 15, 2019.
Complete details regarding qualification and nomination requirements can be found here.
Do you know Carol Bigelow?

She was the 2017 winner of the TSHS Distinguished Achievement Award. Carol is a Research Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences. Dr. Bigelow has been active in numerous roles in TSHS serving as program chair in 2009, section chair in 2012 and council of sections representative for 2016 - 2018. Among her many accomplishments, she is a founder of the TSHS Resources Portal.
What others are saying:
“Carol initially organized and moved forward the TSHS Portal. .... Although still a work in progress, there is now a very helpful product available for health science statistics educators to access. There is also a sub-committee that provides peer-review of materials that are submitted for inclusion into the Portal.”
“I am certain that TSHS is a stronger section due to Carol’s many efforts.”