The Latest TSHS News: Message From the Chair

This is an exciting time for the Section on the Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences! While spring semesters are winding down, we are hard at work planning online section webinars, the JSM program, nominating ASA fellows and giving out section awards. With nearly 600 members, we aim to provide benefit to all by offering a variety of activities.
Our TSHS Program Chair, Jacqui Milton Hicks, and Program Chair-Elect, Maria Ciarleglio, have assembled an exciting lineup of presenters for the TSHS-sponsored and co-sponsored sessions at this year’s JSM. Details of those events will be forthcoming in their Blog entry. I thank everyone contributing a talk, poster, panel discussion or roundtable. Also, it’s not too late to sign-up for a TSHS roundtable which is a great way to meet others in a small group of education-focused colleagues and enjoy a meal. Add one on to your JSM registration.
While at JSM, please be sure to attend the TSHS mixer. It is an open event and we invite you to bring your colleagues along. It is a great opportunity to meet the Section’s officers and network with fellow educators in a relaxed setting. I hope to see you in Denver!
For those who won’t be making it to JSM this year, keep your eye out for announcements of upcoming free section webinars. Also, if you have ideas of topics or speakers (self-nominations welcomed) we would appreciate the recommendations. Feel free to email me at or through the TSHS general email account
Lastly, do you know an exceptional educator? I mean someone who is really impacting the lives of their students? Wish you could find the perfect gift to let them know their hard work is appreciated? I know something better than a fruit basket or a houseplant … a TSHS section award! We are currently accepting nominations for the following:
Young Investigator Award
Outstanding Teaching Award
Distinguished Achievement Award
Deadline for nominations is May 15, 2019. Details and submission instructions can be found on our section website here... Your colleague (and their CV) will thank you for it J