TSHS Webinar - Flipped Classrooms

The ASA Section on Teaching Statistics in the Health Sciences (TSHS) is excited to present the first webinar in a planned ongoing webinar series. Our first speaker will be Dr. Adam Sullivan of Brown University, describing how to create and more easily update content for flipped classroom teaching. The webinar is FREE and open to all. Details and registration information are below.
TITLE: “Creating and Updating Flipped Classrooms”
PRESENTER: Adam Sullivan, PhD - Brown University
DATE/TIME: Thursday May 30, 2019, 2:00pm – 2:45pm EDT
VENUE: Online webinar hosted using the Zoom platform
ABSTRACT: Flipped classrooms have appeared in all levels of education. One of the major benefits is that the passive learning (lecture) is completed at home and the active learning (activities and problem solving) are done in class with the instructor. However, the issues with flipped classrooms are the cost to make high quality video content and the time. Due to the cost and time many classes are created and then not updated. This talk will discuss common ways for creating and updating flipped classrooms, considering a case study of PHP 2560: Statistical Programming in R at Brown University. We will discuss the first flipped version of this course, in terms of content and creation time. Then we will discuss how subsequent iterations have been adapted and updated to maintain relevance.
REGISTRATION: To register, please complete the form found here. The webinar link will be sent to you ahead of the session.