Secretary / Treasurer’s Report (Fall 2019)

Following is a brief summary of the May through November TSHS executive committee meetings (all were conference calls, except for the July 29 meeting, which was in person at JSM 2019).
Complete sets of all meeting minutes can be found on this page of the TSHS website.
Topics discussed during the May 23 meeting included the following:
The TSHS JSM 2019 program, including updates on the sessions, roundtable discussions, the executive committee and business meetings during JSM, and the development of TSHS materials to be displayed at the JSM Education Table
Update on the section treasury, including income and expenses
Final planning for the spring webinar and preliminary planning for future webinars
Update on nominations for the three major section awards
Previews of conferences relevant to the teaching of statistics, including the US Conference on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS) and the “Preparing for Careers in Teaching Statistics and Data Sciences Workshop”
Topics discussed during the June 20 meeting included the following:
Updates on all components of the TSHS JSM 2019 program and on the TSHS materials for the JSM Education Table
Recap of the May 30 TSHS webinar
Update on the progress of the TSHS Awards Committee in evaluating nominations received for the three major section awards
Update on the section treasury
Publicity activities for the section and a final position description for the publicity officer
New ASA-sponsored workshop for section leaders to be offered during JSM 2019
Update on the TSHS Resources Portal
Topics discussed during the July 29 meeting included the following:
Review of the updated TSHS Officers List
Announcements of newly elected and newly appointed officers
Brief review of the section Mentoring Committee and the section Promotions Committee
Announcement of the TSHS award winners for 2019
Young Investigator Award – Aimee Schwab McCoy, Creighton University
Outstanding Teaching Award –Mike Jiroutek, Campbell University
Distinguished Achievement Award – Constantine Daskalakis, Thomas Jefferson University
ASA Fellow – Peter Imrey, Cleveland Clinic
Update on the section treasury, including updates on confirmed sponsorships that will defray the costs of the JSM 2019 mixer
Final plans for the JSM 2019 business meeting and mixer
Council of Sections report (numerous items were discussed)
TSHS Fellow nomination process (for ASA Fellow)
Evaluation forms for the TSHS contributed presentation session
Topics discussed during the August 22 meeting included the following:
Announcement of TSHS Best Contributed Presentation Award winner for 2019
Erin Blankenship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, for “Lessons Learned: Revising an Online Introductory Course”
Recap/Final Review of the TSHS 2019 JSM program
Announcements of (additional) newly appointed officers
Update on the section treasury, post-JSM
Council of Sections Report, post-JSM
Revision of the TSHS Handbook
Proposed JSM 2020 invited panel session, sponsored by the section’s Promoting Promotions Committee
Detailed report of the TSHS Resources Portal
New Portal reviewers were added
Update on the TSHS ASA Fellow Nomination process
Potential TSHS Fall webinar
Topics discussed during the September 26 meeting included the following:
Potential TSHS JSM 2020 invited sessions
Update on the TSHS Fellow nomination process
Section members will be invited to suggest names or to volunteer to help
TSHS 2020 Election (for Chair-Elect for 2021)
Potential Fall TSHS webinar
Survey of statistical competencies being taught to clinical and translational science learners – this effort is being led by Bob and Felicity, on behalf of the Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design Special Interest Group of the Association for Clinical and Translational Science
Topics discussed during the October 24 meeting included the following:
TSHS JSM 2020 program
Invited sessions
Potential topic contributed sessions
Update on ASA Fellow Nominations, sponsored by TSHS
Section treasury
Treasurer’s report – income, expenses, and expenses remaining to be paid
2020 budget
Update on TSHS 2020 election process (for Chair-Elect for 2021)
Details of the TSHS fall webinar
Potential future TSHS webinars
ASA Leaders Hub (a new resource available to section leaders)
Topics discussed during the November 21 meeting included the following:
TSHS JSM 2020 Program
Topic contributed sessions
Regular contributed presentations
Roundtable discussions
Abstract deadlines
Update on ASA Fellow Nominations, sponsored by TSHS
Teams that will put nomination packets together
Publicity plans for 2020 TSHS awards
Update on section treasury and on 2020 budget
Final update on TSHS 2020 election process (for Chair-Elect for 2021)
Recap of fall TSHS webinar
Details of winter TSHS webinar
Potential future TSHS webinars
Update on TSHS Resources Portal