Publications Report

The TSHS section-sponsored publications in 2019 are listed below. The median from 2000-2019 is 8 publications per year.
JSM talk slides
With speaker permission, we posted the slides from the following talks in TSHS-sponsored sessions at the 2019 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) in Denver, CO on the ASA website, so that section members who were not able to attend JSM can still learn from them.
Communicating Teaching Through Peer-Reviewed Publication:
Creative Scholarly Works for the Statistics Educator: Teaching Resources (Amy Nowacki)
Opportunities to Publish in Statistics in Medicine (Joel B. Greenhouse)
Statistics Education in the Health Sciences: Opportunities for Scholarship (Matt Hayat)
Writing Statistics Tutorials for Biologists (Naomi Altman)
Cheating Lessons - Learning from academic dishonesty:
A Grading Scheme to Emphasize Mastery (Monnie McGee)
A Historical Review of Syllabi Changes in Response to Student Behaviors (Amy L. Phelps)
Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty (Jeremiah Aakre)
Decreasing Students’ Desire to Cheat (Jana Anderson)
Preventing Cheating Before It Starts and Methods to Discourage Cheating in the Classroom (Jacqueline Milton Hicks)
If you are a section member, you can access the talk slides on the TSHS section website by:
- Logging into your ASA account on
- Clicking on the ‘JSM 2019 presentations’ folder
TSHS webinars
The spring webinar on “Creating and Updating Flipped Classrooms” was presented by Adam Sullivan (Brown University) on May 30, 2019.
The fall webinar on “Lessons Learned: Revising an Online Introductory Course” was presented by Erin Blankenship and Ella Burnham (University of Nebraska, Lincoln) on November 20, 2019.
If you are a section member, you can access the webinar recordings on the TSHS section website by:
- Logging into your ASA account
- Going to our section page here
- Clicking on the ‘Webinars’ folder
TSHS blog!
We have continued posting new entries on our blog. Visit the site to view topics such as book reviews, awards announcements, information about webinars and JSM sessions, professional development opportunities, and section news. Sign up to receive notifications of new posts. We welcome posts (or ideas for posts) on topics of interest to TSHS members. Please send your ideas to our Communications Officer, John Doucette (Mount Sinai School of Medicine).
JSM Proceedings
We encourage speakers from TSHS-sponsored sessions at JSM to submit papers based on their talks for publication in the JSM Proceedings. None were published in 2019. ASA members can access the JSM Proceedings online by:
- Logging into your ASA account
- Going to the ‘Members Only’ page
- Clicking on the ‘JSM Proceedings’ link
The TSHS section-sponsored publications from 2000 to 2019 are summarized in the figure below. We would like to thank all our speakers, bloggers, and other contributors this year. We look forward to expanding our publications in 2020!