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Our Recent Posts


Summer News: Secretary-Treasurer's Report
A brief summary is given of the April and June TSHS executive committee meetings. No conference call was held in May.

Fall News 2018: Secretary-Treasurer's Report
Following is a brief summary of the July 16, July 30, September 17, and October 15 TSHS executive committee meetings.

#ReadyResources: Talking about inappropriate analysis requests
Do you want to help health scientists recognize troublesome data analysis behaviors as misconduct by providing a trusted source? An Oct 2018

Look what's new at JSE!
“I am thrilled to announce ... the creation of a new section of the journal focused on statistics education in the health sciences," sa

#ASAGivingDay - This FRIDAY!
ASA Giving Day is Friday, October 19, 2018. Funds raised will support programs that grow the area of statistics.

Tremendous Success? We think so too!
We agree with you Amstat News! Please enjoy these photos of TSHS fun at JSM 2018. Then log-in at the TSHS web page to revisit many of the TS

Contributing to the Portal - Journey through the data dictionary
I was excited to start on this journey of submission to the TSHS Resources Portal. Step two was to translate our data dictionary into the te

Congrats to Two Outstanding Teachers
Each year TSHS seeks to recognize an outstanding statistics educator and mentor in the health sciences. This year we recognize two.

ASA Election Results
The results of the ASA annual elections are final, and I am very happy to share ...

New TSHS Portal Dataset: Supraclavicular
Fresh out of peer-review, another great data resource has been posted to the TSHS Resource Portal - an anesthesia RCT, perfect for survival
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